Join us!
Relix Variety
1208 N Central St
Knoxville, TN 37917
Date & Time
Saturday, July 23rd
6:30 - 10 PM
Need a Hotel?
Check out Embassy Suites, Marriott, and Hilton nearby!
Single Ticket - Early Bird Special
Book your reservation for the big event by June 15th, 2022 to lock in a lower rate - Cost includes heavy hors d’ourves, two drink tickets (per paid ticket), and entertainment for the evening. Profits will benefit an organization near and dear to the Farragut community.
Single Ticket - Standard Cost
Reservations booked from June 16th, 2022 onward will incur the full ticket rate - cost includes heavy hors d’ourves, two drink tickets (per paid ticket), and entertainment for the evening. Profits will benefit an organization near and dear to the Farragut community.
ShareYour Memories!
Pull out those yearbooks, photo albums, ZIP disks, tamagotchis… anything with high school memories and send them our way! We want to be knee-deep in nostalgia - Provide us some details below about your submission and hit Send to go to our upload site. (Make sure you rename your photo with your name so we know credit the story you give to the right photo!)
Can’t Make It?
Well then. How can we put this… That stinks! We still want to stay in touch and know how things are going in your life. Fill out the form below with your story and hit send - you’ll be taken to a page to add some photos of you/your family/pets/plants/stamp collection, if you desire. Make sure you add your name to your images. We plan on having a slide show sharing your story so folks there can see what you got going on!